At the moment we are only collecting names of parents who work directly for the NHS , although we are also waiting for a statement from Welsh Government to see which other people they will include as key workers on their list to be published later today.
Details on how the children of keyworkers will attend school will be made available to us as a school tomorrow.
There are currently meetings being held regarding pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (eFSM) and the plans to provide food for this group of pupils should also be available tomorrow.
The work packs will be available tomorrow, please do not contact the teachers about them yet, we have already received requests for daily packs, which will NOT be possible.
Foundation Phase teachers will use-mail and ClassDojo to send work – sign-in details will be e-mailed to parents if you have not yet registered.
Key stage 2 teachers will be using e-mail, Google Classroom and SeeSaw
As far as the online content that will be shared with you via our website, Facebook , Twitter and Text service , this will be divided into:
Foundation Phase age appropriate content
Key Stage 2 age appropriate content
Content available for all ages.
Next update at 3.00pm