Home Page

Llythyron / Letters

Penodiad Dirprwy Bennaeth / Deputy Headteacher Appointment

Llythyr Ymgynghoriad Canolfan Adnoddau Dysgu Newydd / Consultation Letter New Learning Resource Base

Llythyr Diogelwch Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol / Social Media Safety Letter

Llythyr pwysig am archebu cinio ysgol / Important Letter regarding school lunch ordering

Archebu cinio o Ionawr 2024 January Lunch ordering system

Llythyr Ymaelodi â'r Urdd / Urdd Membership Letter

Gwersi Cymraeg i oedolion / Welsh lessons for adults

Bl / Yr 3-6 Clwb Ffotograffiaeth / Photography Club

Llythyr Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb / Relationships and Sexuality Education Letter

Llythyr gwybodaeth Medi / September Information Letter

Llythyr Gofal yn yr Haul / Sun Safety Letter

Llythyr Darpariaeth Cinio am Ddim / Free School Meal Provision Letter

Sialens Ddarllen yr Haf/ Summer Reading Challenge

Mabolgampau/Sports Day

Clybiau Chwaraeon Haf Urdd Sports Summer Camps

Llythyr gan Prif Weithredwr y Cyngor / Letter from Chief Executive of the Council

Diogelwch yn yr haul / Sun safety

Llythyr Disgyblion Mwy Abl a Thalentog / More Able and Talented Pupils' Letter

Cinio Arbennig Brenin Siarl/Coronation Lunch 5.5.23

Dydd Garddio / 'Groundforce' Day

Streic 15 & 16.3.23 Strike

Llythyr SHINE Letter

Streic 1.2.23 Strike

Llythyr am Streic Undeb NEU / Letter re NEU Union Strike Action

Cyngor i rieni ar Twymyn Goch a Strep A / Advice to parents on Strep A and Scarlet Fever

Llythyr Gwybodaeth Twymyn Goch / Information Letter re. Scarlet Fever

Cais am wirfoddolwyr / Request for volunteers

Llythyr am ginio ysgol / Letter regarding school lunches

Neges bwysig ynghylch Covid / Important message re. Covid

Parent and Teacher Meetings - Nursery and Reception

Cyfarfodydd Rhieni/Parent and teacher evenings years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

Prosiect SHINE Project

Ymaelodi â'r Urdd Membership

Llythyr Pwysig Seesaw/Important letter regarding Seesaw

Llythyr dechrau'r flwyddyn / Beginning of year letter

Cyngor Tywydd Poeth / Hot Weather Advice

Gweledigaeth a Gwerthoedd ein Cwricwwm / Vison and Values of our Curriculum

Llythyr Dylunio Cwricwlwm lleol / Building Local Curriculum letter

Cinio Ysgol am ddim o Medi 2022 / Free School Meals from September 2022

Trip Haf Cyfnod Sylfaen/Summer Trip Foundation Stage

Diwrnod Hwyl yr Haf/Summer Fun Day Junior Department

Diwrnod Haf Hwyl/ Summer Fun Day Foundation Children

Diwrnod Garddio / Groundforce Day 28.5.22

CRA - Dewch i Ymuno! PTA - Join the PTA at Ysgol Rhyd Y Grug

PWYSIG - Amserau Ysgol Diwygiedig IMPORTANT - Revised School Times

Cwrs Preswyl Bl 4 / Yr 4 residential Course

Cwrs Preswyl Bl 5 a 6 / Yrs 5 and 6 Residential course

Llythyr Brechiad Cofid i ddisgyblion / Covid Vaccination for pupils letter

PWYSIG - Ailagor Meithrin/ IMPORTANT - Reopening Nursery class

PWYSIG - Cau dosbarth Meithrin/ IMPORTANT - Nursery Closure

Llythyr Trwynau Coch/Red Nose Day

Llythyr Cyngor Ysgol am Wcrain / School Council letter on Ukraine

Ail ddechrau Clybiau Allgyrsiol / Restart Extra-Curricular Clubs

Cyflwyno Credydau Amser / Introducing Time Credits

Newid i drefn maes parcio / Changes to car park arrangements

Llythyr newidiadau i reolau hunan ynysu / Letter changes to self isolation rules

Nosweithiau Rhieni/ Parents Evening
