Croeso i dudalen Dosbarth Drudwy! Hoffwn gymryd y cyfle yma i egluro rhai o drefniadau’r tymor i chi. Yn nosbarth Drudwy mae yna 26 o ddisgyblion. Rydyn ni fel dosbarth yn gweithio’n galed ac yn mwynhau pob dydd. Rydyn ni yn ymdrechu i ddangos parch tuag at bawb a phopeth ac yn disgwyl derbyn yr un parch yn ôl. Y bobl fawr yn ein dosbarth yw Mr Morgan ac weithiau Mrs Joll.
Welcome to Drudwy’s class page! I would like to take this opportunity to explain some of the arrangements for this term to you. There are 26 pupils in Drudwy class this year. We work hard and enjoy every day. We try and show respect towards every person and everything and we expect to be treated with that same respect ourselves. The adults in our class are Mr Morgan and sometimes Mrs Joll.
Dydd Llun yw ein diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol a bydd angen gwisgo gwisg addas megis tracwisg a threinars ar gyfer chwaraeon tu allan i'r ysgol ar y diwrnod hwnnw.
Monday is our P.E. day and all pupils will need to wear a suitable kit such as tracksuit and trainers for outdoor games to school on this day.
Mae'r tasgau gwaith cartref yn cael eu gosod ar ddechrau pob hanner tymor. Disgwylir i'r plant gwblhau o leiaf tri thasg (o'u dewis nhw) o fewn yr hanner tymor hwnnw. Hefyd, mae disgwyl i bob plentyn ddarllen o leiaf un neu ddwy o dudalennau o’i llyfr darllen (Cymraeg a Saesneg) bob nos. Ni allwn bwysleisio ddigon y pwysigrwydd o ddarllen gyda’ch plentyn bob nos! Hefyd, mae’n bwysig iawn i ymarfer tablau gyda’ch plentyn yn gyson. Erbyn nawr, dyle fod eich plentyn yn hyderus gyda phob tabl.
Homework tasks are given at the beginning of each half term. Pupils are expected to complete at least three tasks (of their choice) during the half term period. Pupils are also expected to read at least one or two pages of a reading book (Welsh and English) every night. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of reading with your child on a daily basis. Also, by now, pupils should be confident with their times tables. Please keep practicing and testing them at home on a regular basis.
Diolch, Mr Morgan