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Cnocell y Coed

Am y mis Nesaf fe fyddwn yn canolbwyntio ar ymgyfarwyddo'r plant ar math o gwestiynau y byddan nhw'n gwynebu yn y profion cenedlaethol yn mathemateg ,rhifedd a darllen a deall 

Thema'r dosbarth bydd Pethau Byw. 



For the next month we will be concentrating on familiarising the children with the format of the national tests that they will be facing in numeracy maths and reading and comprehension.


Our theme will be living things. our language lessons will be based around stories about living things, both fictional and real. we will be sowing, planting and tending plants during the term. we will welcome any seeds or summer bulbs for planting.

There are 28 children in the class. Mrs Tricker is currently the class teacher as Mrs Evans has had an operation in recent weeks. Miss Batchelor is our teaching assistant . Mrs Donnison and Mrs Huws help to target and work with children that benefit from small group work.

Mrs Butcher teaches PE lessons which happen each Thursday.The children will require outdoor clothing and footwear for lessons outside during this coming term.

Homework is set on either a Thursday or Friday and is usually related to maths work that we have been covering in class.If your child has been inspired to do some research or drawings at home into topics covered in class then we will be pleased to show and share their work with the class.


