Welcome to the Summer term! Hope you are all well and staying safe. We are all missing the children but enjoying seeing the activities they are completing and videos that you send us. Due to the continuing situation we will now be producing a fortnightly grid with tasks to support your child's learning at home.
We will be uploading the grid on a Monday morning every fortnight on the class page on the school website. There will also be sharing other links and activities to support the learning on class Dojo. These activities can be completed at any time in any order over the fortnight . We will also continue to share any additional class challenges or new ideas that we may find during the week. Please remember to upload or email the photos, videos or comments to us daily and we will share with the class wherever possible. We will continue to respond individually to each activity posted Monday to Friday.
If you have any problems or questions please email e.jones@rhyd-y-grug.cymru or contact us on class Dojo.
Diolch yn fawr
Croeso i dymor yr Haf. Gobeithio eich bod yn cadw'n iach ac yn saff. Rydyn ni'n gweld eisiau'r plant yn fawr iawn ond wrth ein bodd wrth weld yr holl weithgareddau a'r hwyl rydych yn danfon i ni. O ganlyniad i'r sefyllfa bresennol yn parhau fe fyddwn ni nawr yn paratoi grid gweithgareddau dros bythefnos er mwyn cefnogi eich plentyn adref,
Byddwn yn lanlwytho'r grid ar fore Llun bob pythefnos ar dudalen wefan dosbarth. Fe allwch chi gwblhau'r gweithgareddau mewn unrhyw drefn, unrhyw amser. Byddwn ni hefyd yn parhau i rannu heriau / syniadau newydd gennych ar Dojo wrth iddynt godi yn ystod yr wythnos. Cofiwch ddanfon eich lluniau, sylwadau neu fideos drwy Dojo neu e-bost fel ein bod yn gallu rhannu gyda'ch ffrindiau. Fe fyddwn ni hefyd yn parhau i ymateb yn unigol i'r gweithgareddau neu'r sylwadau.
Os oes gennych unrhyw broblemau neu gwestiynau fe allwch chi e-bostio e.jones@rhyd-y-grug.cymru neu Dojo.
Diolch yn fawr
Gridiau Gweithgareddau / Activities Grids
Isod, mae ‘Gridiau Gweithgareddau’ gyda syniadau i chi wneud dros eich cyfnod yn y ty. Dewiswch beth hoffech chi o’r grid. Os hoffech chi ddanfon lluniau o’ch tasgau arbennig, danfonwch i’r e-bost: e.jones@rhyd-y-grug.cymru Byddaf wrth fy modd yn gweld eich gwaith gwych!
Below, is your ‘Activities Grids’ with some ideas that you could do during your time at home. You can choose as many tasks as you like from the grid. If you would like to send some pictures of your fantastic tasks, please send to the email address: e.jones@rhyd-y-grug.cymru I will be delighted seeing your amazing work!
Grid Y Byd Hud // The Wonderful World grid - 06.07.20 & 13.07.20
I orffen ein thema'r tymor hwn, hoffwn gynnal diwrnod dathlu ar draws dosbarthiadau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Ar Ddydd Gwener, 10fed o Orffennaf, gofynnwn i chi wisgo eich dillad mabolgampau, ac i gynllunio diwrnod llawn hwyl a sbri! Cadwch lygaid allan ar Dojo dros y dyddiau nesaf, am syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau.
Cofiwch i ddanfon llun i’ch athrawes ar y diwrnod, yn eich gwisg neu yn gwneud eich hoff weithgaredd, a byddwn yn gallu eu rhannu gyda eich ffrindiau. Edrychwn ymlaen at weld eich diwrnodau hwyliog.
To bring our topic to an end this term, we would like to hold a celebration day across the Foundation Phase classes. On Friday the 10th of July, we are asking you to wear your sports day clothes, and to plan a day full of fun and enjoyment! Keep an eye on Dojo over the next few days, for some ideas for activities.
Remember to send us a picture on the day, of you in your outfit, or doing an activity, and we will share them with your friends. We look forward to seeing your fun-filled days!
Grid ac adnoddau Y Byd Hud // The Wonderful World grid and resrouces - 22.06.20 & 29.06.20
Grid ac adnoddau Y Byd Hud // The Wonderful World grid and resources - 08.06.20 & 15.06.20
Grid Yr ardd hardd & Adnoddau i helpu - The enchanted garden grid & Resources to help - 18.05.20 & 25.05.20
Grid Yr ardd hardd & Adnoddau i helpu - The enchanted garden grid & Resources to help - 04.05.20 a 11.05.20.
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Mathemateg / Mathematics
Iaith / Language
Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology
Hanes a Daearyddiaeth / History and Geography
Lles / Wellbeing
Celf, Drama a Cherddoriaeth / Art, Drama and Music
Arall / Other
Croeso i ddosbarth Robin Goch !
Welcome to dosbarth Robin Goch !
Hoffwn yn gyntaf ddweud pa mor dda mae’r plant wedi ymgartrefu yn Nosbarth Robin Goch.
Mae pob un wrth eu bodd ac wedi gwneud sawl ffrind newydd.
Ein thema tymor hon yw 'Lliwiau'. Bydden ni yn dysgu am bob lliw o dan yr enfys yn wythnosol!
I would firstly like to say how fantastic the children have settled into dosbarth ‘Robin Goch.
Every single one is having a brilliant time and they have made many new friends.
Our main theme this term is ‘Colours'. We will be learning about all of the colours of the rainbow weekly!
Mae yna 41 o blant yn y dosbarth. Miss Jones yw'r athrawes dosbarth ac mae 3 staff ffantastig yn cynorthwyo.
There are 41 pupils in the class. Miss Jones is the class teacher and there are 3 wonderful support staff helping.
Diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol - Bore dydd Llun - mae angen gwisgo dillad cyffyrddus i'r ysgol ar ddydd Llun. Joggers/leggings, crys polo ysgol ac esgidiau addas (dim careiau os gwelwch yn dda).
Monday is our PE day - Your child needs to wear comfortable clothes to school on a Monday. Joggers/leggings, school polo shirt and appropriate footwear (no laces please).
Croeso i chi ddod a ffrwyth/llysiau eich hunain neu mae ffrwyth ar gael yn wythnosol am £1.50.
You can bring your own fruit/vegetables to school. Alternatively you can pay £1.50 every Monday morning for the week.
Bydd taflen Gwaith Cartref yn cael ei ddarparu pob hanner tymor. Gallwch ddewis y tasgau hoffech chi gyflawni dros yr hanner tymor. Gofynnwn i chi ddewis 1 tasg iaith, 1 tasg rhifedd ac 1 tasg thema, i'w gyflawni mewn unrhyw drefn.
A homework sheet will be provided every half term. You can choose the tasks you would like to complete over the next 6 weeks. You can choose more than 3 tasks if you would like, however please complete 1 literacy, 1 numeracy and 1 theme activity, in any order, by the dates provided.
If you have any old fancy dress costumes, dolls, that you no longer need please can you send them into school with your child.
If you have any links/resources that could help up us with our theme please can you let us know.
Diolch yn fawr Miss Jones
Ein thema – Lliwiau! Our theme – Colours!