Cofiwch am ein gwledd gwingo ac ymlusgo Dydd Iau!
Remember our wriggle and crawl ball on Thursday!
Dyma ni yn mwynhau ein Mercher mwdlyd yn creu swynion hud!
Here we are enjoying our welly Wednesday afternoon making magic potions!
Croeso i dymor yr Haf!
Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw 'Miloedd o drychfilod.' Byddwn yn parhau i ganolbwyntio ar thema'r ardd, plannu a thrychfilod. Ahoi! Ahoi! yw thema'r ail hanner tymor a byddwn yn dysgu am fywyd môr ladron ac am fwynhau ar lân y môr.
Os oes gennych unrhyw wrthrychau, adnoddau neu gysylltiadau sydd yn ymwneud â'r thema byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn am eich cefnogaeth. Diolch!
Welcome to the Summer term!
Our theme this term is ' It's a bugs life!.' We will be continuing with the garden topic and learning about planting and mini beasts . During the second half term our topic is Ahoy! Ahoy! It's a pirates life for me!
If you have resources, materials, unwanted items or contacts that can support this topic we would be grateful of your support! Diolch
Watch and learn about the minibeasts with Cyw!
Cofiwch am Mercher Mwdlyd bob prynhawn Dydd Mercher! Bydd angen dillad addas a welis mewn bag plastig nid yn eich bag ysgol.
Remember that Welly Wednesday is beginning this Wednesday and the children will be participating in outdoor garden / forest activities every Wednesday afternoon. Please send the wellies in an additional plastic bag not the children's reading or school bag as they will become very muddy and dirty.
Keep checking the class page for updated pictures of our sessions!
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Happy New Year!
Croeso i dymor y Gwanwyn!
Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw 'Dewch ar antur gyda ni.' Byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar y fferm a thyfu bwyd yn ystod yr hanner tymor gyntaf gan ddilyn gyda thema'r ardd, plannu a thrychfilod yn ystod yr hanner tymor olaf.
Rydyn ni'n casglu amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau jync sef bocsys wyau, hen ddisgiau CD, potiau iogwrt, hen focsys er mwyn ail ddefnyddio. Yn ein hardal tu allan rydyn ni'n datblygu ardal fferm.Os oes gennych unrhyw wrthrychau, adnoddau neu gysylltiadau sydd yn ymwneud â'r thema byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn am eich cefnogaeth. Diolch!
Our theme this term is 'Let's explore!' We will be learning about the farm, the animals and how food is grown during the first half term followed by the garden topic, planting and mini beasts during the second half term.
We are collecting junk materials such as empty egg boxes, cardboard boxes, yogurt pots and old cd's to re use and create models. Our outdoor area is developing into a farm area. If you have resources, materials, unwanted items or contacts that can support this topic we would be grateful of your support! Diolch
Cofiwch ein diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol yw Dydd Mawrth. Mae angen dillad addas a phriodol ar gyfer y gwersi sef crys t a siorts wedi eu labelu'n glir gydag enw'r plentyn.
Please remember that our Physical Education day is Tuesday! Your child will need to bring appropriate clothing in a bag clearly labelled with their name for the session.
It would also help if you could encourage your child to undress and dress themselves at home to support the ease of changing during PE.
Croeso i ddosbarth Jac Do!
Welcome to dosbarth Jac Do!
Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw Hwre! Hwre! Rwy'n anhygoel!
Our class theme this term will be Hooray! Hooray! What a Marvellous Me!
Mae yna 29 o blant yn y dosbarth. Miss Worton yw'r athrawes dosbarth a mae Mrs Thomas, Mrs Whitney a Mrs Joll yn cynorthwyo.
There are 29 pupils in the class. Miss Worton is the class teacher and Mrs Joll, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Whitney are the support staff.
Ein diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol yw Dydd Mawrth. Mae angen dillad addas a phriodol ar gyfer y gwersi sef crys t gwyn a siorts neu leggins du neu navy wedi eu labelu'n glir gydag enw'r plentyn.
Our PE day is every Tuesday.The pupils need suitable and appropriate kit a white T shirt and navy or black shorts or leggings. Please ensure that all items clearly labelled with their name and class in and sent in a separate bag that can stay in school.
Ffrwyth ar gael yn ddyddiol am 30c
Fruit is available for 30p a day.
Danfonwyd gwaith cyswllt cartref adref bob Dydd Gwener. Bydd y gweithgareddau yn amrywio'n wythnosol ac yn seiliedig ar waith y dosbarth a gyflawnwyd yn ystod yr wythnos hynny.
Home tasks will be sent out on a Friday - these will vary from week to week as they are directly linked to the work being carried out in the classroom during the week.
Byddwn yn brysur tymor yma yn datblygu'r ardal tu allan felly os allwch chi gefnogi drwy gyfrannu unrhyw blanhigion, potiau, hen offer cegin / coginio er mwyn creu 'mud kitchen' neu offer garddio byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn!
We will be very busy during the term developing our outdoor area. If you have any old pots, pans , old kitchen equipment for us to create a mud kitchen could you please send them to school as soon as possible.
Diolch yn fawr!
Miss Worton