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Robin Goch

Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw 'Pethau Byw’.

Byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar yr is thema ‘yn yr ardd’ a ‘drychfilod’.

Byddwn yn gorffen gyda’r thema ‘Pobl sydd yn ein helpu’ ar ddiwedd yr Haf.

Os oes gyda chi unrhyw gysylltiadau, plîs rhowch wybod i ni. Diolch



Our class theme this term will be 'Living Things'.

We will be concentrating on the theme ‘in the garden’ and ‘insects’.


· Can we please ask you kindly to send into school any old pots/packets of seeds, compost for us to develop our outdoor area next term.

Thank you very much to those who have, it is very much appreciated.

· We will be looking at various life cycles this term, frogs, butterflies, ladybirds and many more.

· Please remember to download the ‘Tric a Chlic’ app to help your child learn his/her letters.

· ‘Betsan a Roco yn y pentref’ is another lovely app that you might wish to download also.


We will then finish the year with the theme ‘People who help us’.

If you have any contacts that can help us with these themes please let us know.


Please can I remind everyone that your child needs a water bottle and a spare change of clothes every day.


A sun hat for the warmer weather is needed every day.


The homework pack also needs to be returned every Monday morning.


Once again thank you for your support.


Mrs Phillips



Croeso i dymor y Gwanwyn!

Dyma yw un o hoff themâu Dosbarth Robin Goch!!!!
Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw ‘Byd llawn hud.'

Byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar stori 'Heddwch o’r diwedd', ‘Beth nesaf’, 'Elen Benfelen', 'Y Gryffalo', 'Jac a’i goeden ffa' ac 'Rydyn ni’n mynd i hela arth'.
Rydyn ni'n casglu amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau i gyd fynd gyda’r llyfrau.

Os oes gennych unrhyw wrthrychau, adnoddau neu gysylltiadau sydd yn ymwneud â'r thema byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn am eich cefnogaeth. Diolch!

Rydyn ni hefyd yn datblygu’r ardal tu allan, felly os oes unrhyw beth gyda chi dydych chi ddim yn defnyddio mwyach, byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn.


Welcome to the Spring term!

This is one of our favourite themes!!!!

Our theme this term is 'It’s a magical world'.

We will be learning about ‘Peace at last’, ‘Whatever next, 'Goldilocks and the three bears', 'The Gruffalo', 'Jack and the beanstalk' and 'We’re going on a bear hunt'.

We are collecting all sorts of resources and materials that are related to the books.

If you have resources, materials, unwanted items or contacts that can support this topic we would be grateful of your support! Diolch!

We will also be developing our outdoor area, if you have any unwanted items that you no longer use, we would be very grateful.

Our cwtsh is being transformed into a forest, again anything you can spare we would appreciate.


Cofiwch ein diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol yw Dydd Llun. Mae angen gwisgo dillad Addysg Gorfforol pob Dydd Llun i'r ysgol.

Please remember that our Physical Education day is Monday. Please remember to send your child into school  wearing appropriate PE clothes.


Can I please remind you that your child needs a change of clothes, water bottle in his/her bag every day.

Fruit money is to be paid on a Monday morning - £1.50 for the week.


Cyswllt Cartref

Cofiwch i ddychwelyd eich pecyn cyswllt cartref pob bore dydd llun os gwelwch yn dda.

Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gymryd yr amser i helpu eich plentyn i ddysgu’r llythrennau Tric a Chlic, atgyfnerthu rhifau 0 –5 ac i hybu eich plentyn i adnabod / ffurfio’i enw / henw.

Please remember to send the homework pack back every MONDAY morning.

We ask you kindly to help your child learn the ‘Tric a chlic’ letter sounds every week. The children will be rewarded with a sticker once they recognize and remember the ‘Tric a Chlic’ letter sound on their laminated chart.

As well as this we ask you to encourage your child to learn/recognize numbers 0-5, and to write his/her name independently.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth!

Thank you for your support!

We will be acting out and building various parts of the stories listed above.

Would you please send into school with your child any old materials, boxes (the bigger the better), rope, tape, anything that you can spare.

These will help us for example to build a rocket, a home for the Gruffalo.


Croeso i ddosbarth Robin Goch !

Welcome to dosbarth Robin Goch !


Thema'r dosbarth y tymor yma yw Dyma Fi!

Our class theme this term will be Ourselves!


Hoffwn ddweud pa mor ffantastig mae’r plant wedi ymgartrefu.

I would like to say how fantastically the children have settled into the Nursery classroom.


Mae yna 41 o blant yn y dosbarth.

Mrs Phillips yw'r athrawes dosbarth ac mae 4 staff ffantastig yn cynorthwyo.

There are 41 pupils in the class.

Mrs Phillips is the class teacher and there are 4 wonderful support staff helping.


Diwrnod Addysg Gorfforol - Bore dydd Llun - mae angen gwisgo dillad cyffyrddus i'r ysgol ar ddydd Llun. Joggers/leggings, crys polo ysgol ac esgidiau addas (dim careiau os gwelwch yn dda).

Monday is our PE day - Your child needs to wear comfortable clothes to school on a Monday. Joggers/leggings, school polo shirt and appropriate footwear (no laces please).


Croeso i chi ddod a ffrwyth/llysiau eich hunain neu mae ffrwyth ar gael yn wythnosol am £1.50.

You can bring your own fruit/vegetables to school. Alternatively you can pay £1.50 every Monday morning for the week.


Please look at the important laminated letter in your child’s school bag.

This letter is to stay in your child’s Rhyd y Grug bag. Please can you make sure all items are provided daily.


Byddwn yn brysur tymor yma yn datblygu'r ardal tu allan felly os allwch chi gefnogi drwy gyfrannu unrhyw blanhigion, potiau, hen offer cegin / coginio er mwyn creu 'mud kitchen' neu offer garddio byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn!
We will be very busy during the term developing our outdoor area. If you have any old pots, pans , old kitchen equipment for us to create a mud kitchen could you please send them to school as soon as possible. Also if you have any contact that can contribute or suggestions of possible activities to support our topic we would be very grateful.


Diolch yn fawr Mrs Phillips


Photographs and videos of the children will be uploaded over the next few weeks.




Helo Rhieni,

Sbarc a Seren ydyn ni! Byddwn ni’n gymeriadau pwysig iawn ym mywyd eich plant yn ystod y misoedd nesaf. Ni yw cymeriadau swyddogol y Siarter Iaith.

Beth yw’r Siarter Iaith?

Nod y Siarter Iaith yw annog plant i siarad Cymraeg yn amlach mewn sefyllfaoedd cymdeithasol. Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n gyfrifol am arwain y Siarter, ac yn eu geiriau nhw, ‘Mewn gair, ysbrydoli ein plant a’n pobl ifanc i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg ym mhob agwedd o’u bywydau’ yw’r nod. Dros y tair blynedd nesaf, bydd pob plentyn ym mhob ysgol Gymraeg yn cael cyfle i ennill gwobr efydd, arian ac aur. Mae hyn yn dibynnu ar faint o Gymraeg maen nhw’n ei siarad o ddydd i ddydd - mewn sefyllfaoedd amrywiol yn yr ysgol a’r gymuned. Mae’r Siarter Iaith yn gyfle i bawb yng nghymuned yr ysgol chwarae eu rhan wrth hyrwyddo’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg - cyngor yr ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn o’r iaith.


Beth yw manteision y Siarter Iaith?

Rydych chi eisoes wedi dewis addysg Gymraeg i’ch plentyn ac yn deall manteision medru siarad dwy iaith. Mae cywirdeb iaith yn holl bwysig yn nhermau cyrhaeddiad addysgol plant. Y ffordd orau o sicrhau hyn wrth eich bod chi, fel cymuned yr ysgol, yn annog eich plentyn i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg ar bob cyfle posibl.

Rydym ni yn gyffrous iawn i weithio gyda phob rhiant i gynyddu faint o Gymraeg sy’n cael ei siarad ym mhob ysgol. Edrychwch mas am ddigwyddiadau cyffrous yn fuan iawn!


Hello Parents,

We are Sbarc and Seren. You are sure to see a lot of us around the school over the coming months. We are the official characters for the Welsh Language Charter.

What is the Welsh Language Charter?

The main aim of the charter is to create an increase in the children’s social use of Welsh. We want to inspire our children and young people to use Welsh in every aspect of their lives. Over the next three years the school will have the opportunity to win a bronze, silver and gold award. The Welsh Language Charter asks for a contribution from every member of the school community – the pupils, the school council, the staff, the parents, the governors and the community.


What are the advantages of the Charter?

Raising the standard of the children’s spoken Welsh will have a positive effect on their educational attainment. Research shows that bilingual children achieve better results.
