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Trefniadau Dechrau Tymor / Start of Term Arrangements

Annwyl bawb,


Mi fydd y disgyblion yn dychwelyd i’r ysgol ar Ddydd Mawrth , Medi 7fed.


Mi fydd amserlen y bysiau yn aros yr un fath yn y boreau.


Mi fydd y gatiau cerdded yn agor am 8.50am


Dydy’r clwb brecwast ddim yn ail-gychwyn eto , mwy o fanylion am hynny cyn bo hir.


Mi fydd y gatiau cerdded yn agor am 3.15pm yn y prynhawn.


Mi fydd y bysiau yn gadael yr ysgol am 3.45pm.


Mi fydd rhagor o fanylion am ginio ysgol yn dilyn cyn gynted ein bod ni wedi derbyn cadarnhad am brisiau a bwydlenni cyfredol.


Mi fydd y swyddfa ar agor ar gyfer ymholiadau gwisg ysgol o Ddydd Gwener , Medi 2ail ymlaen.


Dear all,


The school will re-open for pupils on Tuesday , September 7th.


The bus pick up timetables will remain the same in the mornings.


The walking gates will be opened at 8.50am - you are to take your child(ren) directly to their respective classrooms. Staff will be on hand to help with directions on the first few days.


The walking gates will now be opened at 3.15pm in the afternoons - children to be collected directly from classrooms.


Buses will leave the school site at 3.45pm - the transport department will confirm your drop-off times with you directly.


Breakfast club will not be open immediately , we will keep you informed of developments as they are shared with us.


We are waiting for confirmation on catering - once we have the current menus and prices.we will post them on our website.


If you have any queries about uniform , the office will be open from Friday , September 2nd onwards.


More general information coming to you in the run up to the new school year - including a list of email addresses for you to communicate directly with your class teacher.


Enjoy the rest of the holiday!
