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Start of Term

The school opens for all pupils on Monday , April 12th.

The arrangements for next term have changed slightly and are as follows:



The arrangements will remain the same - walking gates open at 9.00am. You do not have to be here at that time precisely - the gates will remain open for 15 minutes until 9.15am.

We will continue to unload all the buses safely before opening the walking gates.



The practical arrangements remain the same , however the timings will be different:

Walking gates will now be opened at 3.00pm

Buses will leave school at 3.30pm


The following dates have been designated as INSET days:

Tuesday , May 4th

Friday , May28th

Friday , July 2nd.


The last school day for pupils before the Whitsun half term will be Thursday , May 27th

The second half term will begin on Monday , June 7th.

The last day of this academic year for pupils is Friday , July 16th
