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Rhybudd Tywydd/ Yellow Weather Warning

Yn dilyn asesiadau risg o'r safle, diogelwch ein disgyblion a staff a gan ystyried rhagolygon tywydd y prynhawn yma rydym wedi penderfynu CAU'r ysgol heddiw. Dydd Mercher 8.3.23  Bydd dysgu ar-lein i bob dosbarth trwy'r ap Seesaw neu Google Classroom.


Following risk assessments of the school site, the safety of all pupils and staff and considering the weather forecasts for this afternoon we have decided to CLOSE the school today.  Wednesday the 8.3.23

Online learning will be available to all pupils through the Seesaw app and/or Google classroom. 


Diolch am eich holl gyd-weithrediad

Thank you for your co-operation 
