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Race for Life

Roedd pob plentyn wedi cymryd rhan yn ein Race for Life heddiw - cafodd pawb hwyl a sbri - plant mawr yn helpu plant bach , athrawon yn cymryd rhan yn yr hwyl yn ogystal â helpu`r plant i lwyddo - diwrnod bendigedig! Dydyn ni ddim wedi gorffen cyfri`r arian eto,ond byddwch yn barod am newyddion hollol anhygoel yfory!!
We had a fantastic time in our Race for Life today - everyone had fun. Older children were helping the younger pupils , all members of staff took part and helped the children to succeed-a wonderful day and event. We haven`t finished counting the money yet , but keep watching this page tomorrow for what we promise will be an AMAZING announcement - thank you all so much!