Dyddiad/Date: 6th January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Following the Welsh Government announcement yesterday evening you will be aware that learning across Wales for all pupils has now moved to remote learning until January 18th at the earliest. Your child’s school will provide information on how this learning can be accessed and how your child can engage with his/her teachers during this time. It is not that schools are closed – learning has moved to a different platform.
Your school will already have contacted you regarding childcare provision. The aim of the lockdown is to prevent further spread of the virus and the clear message from Welsh Government is to stay at home wherever possible and I am confident that childcare will only be asked for where absolutely necessary. Currently schools are managing this process themselves, as all schools are remaining open. Clear guidance has been given to schools on how to manage this.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers that your child/children should not access childcare hub provision within their school if they are:
· A confirmed case of COVID-19
· Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
· Living with a confirmed case of COVID-19
· Identified as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
· Living with someone with symptoms of COVID-19 and who is awaiting a test
It does seem unimaginable that we have had to return to this situation again, but it is important that we continue to work together to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 across the County Borough.
I will continue to keep you informed as the situation develops.
Yours sincerely