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Mabolgampau / Sports Day

Mabolgampau 2017

Dydd Iau , Mehefin 29ain


Mi fydd CA2 - Mrs Hedges / Mrs Donnison / Mr Morgan / Mrs Tricker / Mrs Davies / Miss Clement  yn dechrau am 9.30am


Mi fydd y Cyfnod Sylfaen -  Mrs Phillips / Miss Worton / Mrs Thomas / Miss Long / Mrs Evans yn dechrau am 1.30pm.


Mi fydd cyfle i fynd a`r plant adref yn syth yn dilyn y mabolgampau yn y prynhawn.

Cofiwch – does dim ffotograffiaeth o unrhyw fath yn cael ei caniatau ar dir yr ysgol.


Sports Day 2017

Thursday , June 29th 

Key Stage 2 - Mrs Hedges / Mrs Donnison / Mr Morgan / Mrs Tricker / Mrs Davies / Miss Clement will start at 9.30am

Foundation Phase classes -  Mrs Phillips / Miss Worton / Mrs Thomas / Miss Long / Mrs Evans will start their competitions at 1.30pm.


This will help alleviate parking and access issues around the school site , as well as providing a much more enjoyable environment for everyone who can come along to support.


You are able to take your child(ren) home directly following the afternoon events which should finish at around 3.00pm

(No children are authorised to leave school at lunchtime following the KS2 sports)


Please remember that we do not allow photography of any sort on school grounds – thank you for your co-operation.