Dyddiad/Date: 11th December 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
Last week, I wrote to you to explain end-of-term arrangements in our schools.
Yesterday, local authorities in Wales were made aware of a clear recommendation by the Chief Medical Officer that all mainstream secondary schools should be closed to all learners (Year 7 to Year 13 inclusive), except for the most vulnerable, from Monday 14th December with learning being provided remotely until 18th December, the last day of the Autumn Term.
The Chief Medical Officer’s directive does not currently apply to primary and special schools, or pupil referral unit settings, however due to the current staffing situation in Greenfield Special School they will also move to remote learning from Monday 14th December until Friday 18th December.
The current end-of-term arrangements for Merthyr Tydfil schools are as follows:
Due to the significant and growing increase in positive cases in schools, it is possible that further school closures may occur before next Tuesday. If this happens, further communication will be issued to parents/carers at that time.
I realise this is short notice, so to support families of healthcare professionals and blue light professionals, and where there is no alternative, all schools will be offering emergency childcare provision. If you require this, please could you contact your child’s school directly, today for secondary pupils and by lunchtime on Monday 14th December for primary pupils. Due to the timing of this the local authority will not be managing the emergency childcare centrally and your school’s Headteacher will be managing the process.
I am grateful to parents and carers for their support, understanding and patience at this challenging time.
Yours sincerely