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Ionawr 31ain / January 31st

An update following on from the announcement on reopening schools made by the first minister on Friday.


Although February 22nd was mentioned in the announcement , we don’t have any details regarding what is expected to happen on that date as we were listening to the announcement on the tv the same as everyone else - a reminder again unfortunately that we don’t get any advance notice of what is going to be said.


This week will be filled with meetings between the Welsh Government and Local Authorities to work out what the announcement means in practical terms , in the first instance across the whole of Wales.


Then our Local Authority must translate that into a Merthyr wide set of protocols and procedures which are applicable to every school - these will include producing new or updating existing COVID19 risk assessments , guidelines social distancing , the wearing of face coverings for staff , the setting up of class rooms , how many pupils will be returning , which pupils will be returning and following what timescale.


Once that is in place , then we as a school can start the process of translating all of that into what it actually means for Ysgol Rhyd y Grug.The Local Authority will be informing us which pupils can start back , when they can start , who will be able to come back first and in which order - if the classes will be staggered on either a daily or weekly basis , and if there will be transport or school catering available. All these issues will be worked out by myself and my Senior Management Team in order to  facilitate a smooth return to full capacity as soon as possible - as we really want the children back in school.


The reason that it was important to send this to you today is to keep you informed of the process as much as I can so that you can be assured that you will receive information directly from me about how all this is going to affect our school - there will be no doubt you will hear many stories in the media during the coming days about what they think will be happening, all I can promise you is at the earliest possible opportunity I will get all the information you need out to you - I will have to wait until both the WG and LA make their positions clear , but when decisions are made explicitly about Rhyd y Grug , you will be the first to know.
