Rydyn ni`n cynnal gweithdai ar gyfer rhieni ynglyn â sut rydyn ni`n dysgu Tric a Chlic yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen a Read Write Inc yng nghyfnod allweddol 2 - dewch i weld ar brynhawn Dydd Llun , Ebrill 30ain am 4.00pm.Bydd cyfle i chi fynd i ddosbarth eich plentyn i drio gweithgareddau eich hun.
We`re holding workshops about how we teach phonics in school! There will be presentations about Tric a Chlic for Foundation Phase pupils and Read Write Inc for Key Stage 2 pupils. There will also be a chance for you to visit your child`s classroom to try some of the activities for yourself!! Please come along next Monday - April 30th at 4.00pm to see for yourself.