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Dewch i Weld! / Come and See!

Dewch i weld!

Cyfle i chi ddod i gyfarfod ag athrawon eich plant.

Beth fydd y plant yn astudio? Pa fath o ddulliau dysgu sydd yn digwydd?

Dewch i weld a chlywed cyflwyniad byr (15 munud) am drefn y dosbarth am y flwyddyn nesaf!

Mae`r cyflwyniad yn cyfeirio at faterion cyffredinol, does dim cyfle i gynnal trafodaethau am blant unigol – mae`r dyddiadau noson agored wedi’u cyhoeddi ar ein gwefan , yn ystod y rhain gewch chi gyfle i drafod cynnydd eich plentyn yn fanwl gyda`r athrawon.

Dydd Llun nesaf am 4.15pm neu 4.45pm - dewch i gwrdd â ni!!


Come and See!

This is an opportunity for you to meet with your child`s teacher and support staff – please come along to meet the people that will be an integral part of your child`s work and progress this year!

What will the children be learning? How is the classroom set up?

Come along to listen to a short presentation (15 mins) about the people and the places that your children will be talking to you about for the rest of the year!

The presentation will ONLY be about general matters , we have already posted the dates for the open evenings on our website when you will have a chance to discuss your child in more detail.

Monday , September 11th at 4.15pm or 4.45pm – come and see us!
