Annwyl Rieni/Gwarchodwyr,
Bydd yr ysgol yn cynnal cyfarfodydd rhieni ac athrawon ddydd Mawrth yr 25ain a dydd Mercher y 26ain o Ebrill rhwng 1.30yh and 5yh
Mae nosweithiau rhieni yn ddigwyddiad pwysig sy'n eich galluogi chi fel rhieni a gofalwyr i drafod cryfderau a gwendidau eu plentyn, rhannu pryderon, a chymryd rhan weithredol yn eu haddysg.
Diolch am fynegi barn am fformat en cyfarfodydd rhieni. Yn sgil hyn rydym wedi penderfynu cynnal apwyntiadau wyneb yn wyneb eleni. Cynigir gwahoddiad ichi i ddod i mewn i’r ysgol i gwrdd â’ch athro/awes dosbarth a thrafod datblygiad a chynnydd eich plentyn.
Byddwn ni'n cynnig apwyntiadau mewn sesiynau:
Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi adael i'ch athro/awes dosbarth wybod pa sesiwn yr hoffech chi fynychu gan ddefnyddio'r ap seesaw erbyn dydd Llun y 27ain o Fawrth. Yna bydd eich athro/awes dosbarth yn trefnu apwyntiadau penodol ac yn anfon adref, unwaith eto gan ddefnyddio'r ap seesaw. Byddwn ni'n ceisio sicrhau bod apwyntiadau brodyr a chwiorydd yn cael eu grwpio gyda'i gilydd.
Diolch am eich hoff gyd-weithrediad
Mrs Barry
Dirprwy Bennaeth
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The school will be holding a face to face parents evening on Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th of April between 1.30pm and 5pm.
Parents' evenings are important events which enable you as parents and carers to discuss your child's strengths and weaknesses, share concerns, and take an active part in their education.
Thank you for expressing an opinion on the en format of parent meetings. As a result we have decided to hold face-to-face appointments this year. We invite you to come and meet your class teacher to discuss your child’s development and progress over the past year.
We will be offering appointments in sessions:
We kindly ask that you let your class teacher know which session you would like to attend using the seesaw app by Monday the 27th of March. Your class teacher will then arrange specific appointments and send these home once again using the seesaw app. We will try and ensure that sibling appointments are grouped together.
Thank you for your ongoing support
Mrs Barry
Deputy Headteacher