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Coronavirus - March 16th - Letter from school.

Monday , March 16th.

I am writing to inform you of the steps we have taken in an effort to reduce the risk of the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the school site.

We will continue to follow and share all advice issued by Public Health, Welsh Government and the Local Authority.


The school has not been advised to close at this time.


In order to do all we can to safeguard all the pupils and staff of the School, we ask for your full cooperation in implementing the following:

 Constantly remind your child to wash their hands well to promote good hygiene practices

 If you need to visit the school (please avoid unnecessary visits), we ask that you wash your hands or use an anti-bacterial sanitizer before arriving

 We ask that you do not visit the school unless it is of great importance between 9:00am and 3:25pm

 Please do not attend school if you have recently travelled from one of the quarantine regions /areas

 We ask you not to attend school if you have been in contact with a person with symptoms in the last 14 days or have a newly developed cough, temperature or shortness of breath

 To keep your child from School if they have a newly developed cough, temperature or shortness of breath

 Remind your child not to share drinks with others


We have a good stock of hand washing soap and the children receive regular messages about how to wash hands properly..


Although we will make every possible effort to secure the best possible education for your child we will not:

 arrange visits or invite visitors to the School from Monday 16th March onwards

 We will not hold whole-school assemblies


There are plans in place to provide your child with work should the school need to close for any length of time. The work will be added to the school website for Nursery , Reception and Years 1 and 2 and Google Classroom for Years 3 - 6.


Although this is a difficult time for us all, we hope that this correspondence reassures you that the school is responding appropriately and that the safety and health of your child and school staff is a priority.


Until we receive further advice, we will continue to operate a full teaching day (excluding after school clubs), welcoming your child to school each day.


Finally, for further updates please check

Teachers2Parents SMS service,

the school website, ,

Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council’s website for the school’s status.


Keep safe all!

Kind regards

Mr Williams.
