Bydd cyfle i chi archebu DVD o sioe CA2 yr wythnos yma yn ystod y cyngherddau ar Ddydd Mercher.Ni fydd hi`n bosib ar Ddydd Iau oherwydd prinder amser er mwyn cynhyrchu`r copiau cyn ddiwedd tymor - bydd ffurflen archebu yn dod adref er mwyn i chi archebu o flaen llaw - diolch!
There will be an opportunity to order a DVD of the Junior Concert during the two performances on Wednesday.We won`t be able to take any orders on Thursday because there won`t be enough time to produce the copies before the end of the term.We`ll send an order form home tomorrow with the children so you have the choice of how to order.Each copy costs £5.00 - thank you for your co-operation.