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Rhodd arbennig arall gan y GRhA / Another wonderful gift from our PTA

Diolch yn fawr i`r GRhA am ariannu stordy allanol newydd ar iard y Feithrin.Mae`r stordy yn holl bwysig er mwyn cadw ein teganau a beiciau yn ddiogel , ac rydyn ni`n ddiolchgar iawn i`r GRhA am helpu ni unwaith eto!


Many thanks to the PTA who have financed an outdoor storage facility for the Nursery class. This is an essential purchase in order for us to keep all the outdoor play equipment and bikes safe and dry - we are most grateful that the PTA are using the money that you all help raise by attending various events to improve all areas of the school for all of our pupils - diolch!
